Monday, March 19, 2012

Chosen by God~ Nataleigh Robinson

The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart 1 Samuel 16:7

I've always loved how God picked David, puny little David, to rule over the kingdom of Israel over his big strong brothers. Imagine with me Samuel and God walking down the line of boys together examining each of Jessie's sons. Samuel looks at each man sees the strong hands and arms and says "this guy would make a good king." But God shakes his head "No, he's no good I've seen his heart and he’s not fit to rule my kingdom." The process repeats itself until Samuel finally comes to the end of the line. This can't be right! he thinks somebody has to be king! Finally after a short conversation with Jessie, David enters the scene. He's a scrawny teenager who can't be much older than 16 or 17 but there's something in his eyes that causes Samuel to stop. Then he hears God's voice whispering in his ear. "He's the one Samuel, the one I've chosen."

Can you imagine that: The world looks at you and says "Oh she's nothing special just, she’ll never amount to anything, she’s just another face walking the halls to class." but when God looks at you He sees something amazing.  He looks at you and He calls you beautiful, He calls you smart, He calls you by name and He's chosen something AMAZING for you to do that's different than anybody else. 

There's never going to be another Nataleigh who has gone through the same things I have. God has chosen something different and special just for me that only I can accomplish. If I can't do it no one can. But that's the beauty of it: I can because God made the task just perfect for me. He gave me just the right amount of inner and outer beauty to help me accomplish the task.

God has something for you too. Yes even you. You may think but I'm not smart, I'm not pretty, I'm not brave, I'm not strong. Stop telling yourself that.  Those are lies straight from the Devil trying to convince you that you’re less than you should be. You have potential! Moses didn’t think that he was charismatic enough but God put him in charge of an entire nation, Paul considered himself a terrible sinner but God used him to build the Christian church, Mary was just a normal girl living in her village but God saw something special in her and chose her to be the mother of his son.

Hadassah probably never considered herself to be to be brave or smart or much of anything for that matter.  She was an orphan who had been raised by her cousin.  I’m sure she lived with a lot of fears that those who had killed her parents would kill her too.  I imagine she spent a lot of time trying to fade into the background.  But God saw something in her.  He saw not only an outer beauty (for no one could deny that she was beautiful) but an inner beauty as well. 

Because of her outer beauty she was noticed by the king of her land and ended up becoming queen and because of her inner beauty she was able to find the courage within herself to stand up for her people who were sentenced to death.  This women, whose name had been changed to Esther opened herself to be used by God and it saved the life of the Jewish people.

God gave you just the right amount of smarts, beauty, courage and strength to accomplish the task he has for YOU! Some people may still be smarter or stronger or braver or prettier than you are but that's because God has something different for them than he does for you and their going to need to be smarter or stronger or braver or more beautiful.

Hadassah probably never considered herself to be to be brave or smart or much of anything for that matter.  She was an orphan who had been raised by her cousin.  I’m sure she lived with a lot of fears that those who had killed her parents would kill her too.  I imagine she spent a lot of time trying to fade into the background.  But God saw something in her.  He saw not only an outer beauty (for no one could deny that she was beautiful) but an inner beauty as well. 

Because of her outer beauty she was noticed by the king of her land and ended up becoming queen and because of her inner beauty she was able to find the courage within herself to stand up for her people who were sentenced to death.  This woman, whose name had been changed to Esther opened herself to be used by God and it saved the life of the Jewish people.

It’s time we stop comparing ourselves to those around us and start comparing ourselves to God's perfect plan. Find out what He wants you to be and strive to become that.  Because trust me there’s nothing better in this life than walking in the path God wants you to walk.  And there is nothing worse than stepping off that path and going our own way.

Did you know that Nataleigh's favorite TV show is Once Upon a Time?!

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