Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Interview with Jessa Anderson

Our very own Haley Oscar got the great opprotunity to interview Jessa Anderson! Read all about Jessa and do not forgot to buy her newest cd "Not Myself Anymore".

What made you want to start your music career? Music has always been my passion--specifically singing. I toured with a ministry team my freshman year of college and realized that it was a lifestyle I really enjoyed. A few years after that I recorded my first CD, and alongside my husband Jordan, started touring full-time. Having Jordan by my side really gave me the courage to trust God with such an unknown path.

What’s your family like? Small and amazing. It's just me, Jordan and our 16 month old Lorelei and I am blessed beyond measure to have them. We are together all the time, which is a unique situation, but I genuinely enjoy sharing so much of our lives together. Life on the road is really fun with them!

How long have you been performing? I believe my first solo was "Jesus Loves Me" at the age of 2. :) I have been performing most of my life in different capacities. It's become the thing that I feel most comfortable doing and it really brings me joy.

When did you come to know Christ as your savior? At the young age of 4, at home with my parents. I've been so blessed to live most of my life on a journey with Christ and I continue to be amazed by who he is as I grow deeper in my relationship with him!

Do you have a message you want to give to teen girls everywhere? Oh, I could write a book here... That Christ is truly the beginning and the end, the All in All. We aren't guaranteed a pain-free life as followers of Christ, but I can promise he will meet your every need in a way that brings him glory. Someday it will all make sense, but even if that's not until we are with him in Heaven, he will never, ever leave your side. He loves YOU!

What’s your inspiration for song writing? Life! Isolation is the worst, and I hate thinking of all the times I could have opened up to someone in giving or receiving and either saved myself some pain, or helped save someone else that pain. Let's live life together, as a community of believers, with the aim to bring God the glory and love one another as he loves us! Songs have a special ability to connect us and bind us together, and I find that both fascinating and motivating!

What was life like for you as a teen girl? It was a roller coaster! I switched from a public to private school and the first year especially was terrible. I was betrayed by a close friend, gossiped about and bullied. However, sticking with my decision to attend that school was the best thing I could have done. My best friends now are the friends I made during those four years. They are loving, godly women who have seen me go through everything from terrible heartbreak to pursuing my dreams of being a musician, and they love me all the same! I learned a lot through my teenage years, but more than anything, I learned that God has a plan that extends far beyond my current struggle and that life just keeps getting better as we follow his plans for us!

How did you over come your hardest struggle? The hard way..ha! I have had to fail miserably (more than once) to realize that I am helpless, and often clueless. God is 100% trustworthy. Truly. Let him guide you, ask him for courage, and face the road ahead. He goes before us!

What is your biggest dream? Right now it's that Lorelei would see Jesus Christ for who he is and serve him with her life. Also, that I would be paving the way now with a legacy that will help lead her there.

What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not on the road? Domestic stuff- cooking great meals (trying, anyway), working on my sewing skills, decorating the house. I think I love nesting because I rarely have the opportunity.
Random Questions:
~What is your favorite time of day? Evening
~What is your least favorite food? Olives
~What is one thing you cannot live without? Material thing: iPhone
~ If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? New York City
~ What is your addiction? (If you have one!) It's a toss-up between Coffee and Pinterest

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