Friday, October 21, 2011

"Insidious" and "The Ward"

Since October is here I think its time for some scary movies. Personally, scary movies are my favorite type of movies, but it is so hard to find good, clean, scary movies. So, if your like me and want to watch a clean scary movie here is a good one.
 The Ward is set in 1966 North Bend Oregon, with runaway Kristen (Amber Heard). When Kristen sets fire to a farmhouse and runs away the police start a search when the police find her they put her in North Bend Psychiatric Hospital where Kristen meets Dr. Gerald Stringer (Jarred Harris) and other inmates. Soon, Kristen starts to see the ghost of a girl, then this ghost starts abducting and murdering the other inmates one by one. Kristen trying to find answers looks through Dr. Springers folders and finds out the truth about this ghost, Alice Hudson (Mika Boorem). This movie is very scary and has a good plot. The movie is rated R for violence images. There is no sex or nudity in this movie and extremely little profanity. Overall this is a good scary movie because it is clean AND scary. I give The Ward a 4/5!
Insidious starts with a family who just moved into a house. They appear to be happy and healthy, until all of that changes. When the families older son Dalton (Ty Simpkins) falls into a coma, things start happening in the house. It appears the house is haunted and after Dalton. The family decides to move again, but the haunting come with them. The mother, Renai Lambert, (Rose Byrne) decides to try everything and hires a lady who specializes in the paranormal. We find out that the house is not haunted, but Dalton is and that he is not in a coma, but lost in another dimension called The Further. The father, Josh Lambert, (Patrick Wilson) must follow his son into The Further in order to save him from the evil beings on the other side. I will not go into the ending for chances of ruining the movie for you, I guess your just going to have to watch it to find out for yourself ;)
There are two sides to Insidious. The good side and the bad side, the good side is that is movie was definitely scary. If all your looking for is some good scares, then this is definitely your movie. The bad side however, is that the plot was not good. It was extremely fictional (and yes i know that is what scary movies are about) to a point of stupidity. I, a person that LOVES scary movies, did not like this one. I laughed my way through the plot, but I admit, the scares were really good. I was on the edge of my seat in terror whenever a suspense scare was coming up. The profanity in this movie is better than some but still not great. There are 2 F-bombs (one is written down and briefly seen on paper), there are about a dozen other cuss words that are either written down or said. There is no sex or nudity only light kissing throughout the movie. I rate this move a 2/5.
Go get scared.... BOO!

Did you know that Kari ALWAYS sings along with the radio?!


  1. Thanks for the movie suggestions! I agree, it's REALLY hard to find decent scary movies! Guess I'll have to go check these ones out!

  2. Definitly do and tell me how you liked them :)

