Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Lipgloss Be Poppin' by Brynlea Taylor

I believe that our words are invisible representations of who we are. They can glamorize someone's day or drain the life out of one's hopes. Words are powerful. They heal. They encourage. They kill. They discourage.

  "...for beautiful lips, speak words of kindness" ~Audrey Hepburn

As women, we should monitor what we say on a daily basis. It's so easy to get caught up in girly gossip, bitter rage, and constant complaints, but we have the power to control what comes out of our mouths and leaves our lips. Slander and gossip chap, but encouragement and praise shine.

 "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." ~Ephesians 4:29 

Choose to have beautiful, lucious lips-speak words of kindess. As I always tell my students "think before you speak!" Words can be forgiven, but they can't be forgotten. May your precious hearts dwell on this today and choose your words and topics of coversation very carefully.

My Top 5 Favorite Lipglosses of All Time...and An Awesome Sugar Lip Scrub!

 This was originally posted on Brynlea's blog! Click here to check it out!
Reposted with permission from Brynlea Taylor.

1 comment:

  1. I struggle with gossip...you don't really understand how it's a sin until you step back and look at the big picture.
